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🟢 Dechra Mirataz (mirtazapine transdermal ointment)

Dechra Mirataz (mirtazapine transdermal ointment)




manufacturer page  Tanya’s info 

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😺 Luna Says

While effective, Dad didn’t like the squeeze tube dispenser. He said getting a consistent dose was difficult, and given the potential adverse reactions, it was important to him to get an accurate dose. We much prefer the click-to-dose dispenser style for this reason.

References and resources
  1. Buhles W, Quimby JM, Labelle D, Williams VS. Single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of a novel mirtazapine transdermal ointment in cats. J vet Pharmacol Therap. 2018; 41: 644-651. doi:10.1111/jvp.12691 
  2. Fantinati M, Trnka J, Signor A, et al. Appetite-stimulating effect of gabapentin vs mirtazapine in healthy cats post-ovariectomy. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2020;22(12):1176-1183. doi:10.1177/1098612X20916391 
  3. Ferguson LE, McLean MK, Bates JA, Quimby JM. Mirtazapine toxicity in cats: retrospective study of 84 cases (2006-2011). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2016;18(11):868-874. doi:10.1177/1098612X15599026 
  4. Ferro L, Ciccarelli S, Stanzani G, Nappi L, Angelini F, Leo C. Appetite Stimulant and Anti-Emetic Effect of Mirtazapine Transdermal Ointment in Cats Affected by Lymphoma Following Chemotherapy Administration: A Multi-Centre Retrospective Study. Animals. 2022; 12(2):155. doi:10.3390/ani12020155 
  5. Mirataz (mirtazapine transdermal ointment) product insert. Dechra Veterinary Products. 2020. 
  6. Poole M, Quimby JM, Hu T, Labelle D, Buhles W. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study to evaluate the weight gain drug, mirtazapine transdermal ointment, in cats with unintended weight loss. J vet Pharmacol Therap. 2019; 42: 179-188. doi:10.1111/jvp.12738 
  7. Quimby, J.M., Gustafson, D.L. and Lunn, K.F. (2011), The Pharmacokinetics of Mirtazapine in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease and In Age-Matched Control Cats. J Vet Intern Med, 25: 985-989. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.00780.x 
  8. Quimby JM, Lunn KF. Mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant and anti-emetic in cats with chronic kidney disease: a masked placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial. Vet J. 2013 Sep;197(3):651-5. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.05.048 
  9. Quimby JM, Benson KK, Summers SC, et al. Assessment of compounded transdermal mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant in cats with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2020;22(4):376-383. doi:10.1177/1098612X19851303 
  10. Riechelmann RP, Burman D, Tannock IF, Rodin G, Zimmermann C. Phase II Trial of Mirtazapine for Cancer-Related Cachexia and Anorexia. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®. 2010;27(2):106-110. doi:10.1177/1049909109345685 
  11. Sparkes AH, Caney S, Chalhoub S, Elliott J, Finch N, Gajanayake I, Langston C, Lefebvre HP, White J, Quimby J. ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease. J Feline Med Surg. 2016 Mar;18(3):219-39. doi:10.1177/1098612X16631234 

🟢 Generic Methimazole Compounded Transdermal

Generic Methimazole Compounded Transdermal




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References and resources
  1. Brooks W. Hyperthyroidism Medication for Cats (Methimazole). Veterinary Information Network. 2001. 
  2. Bruyette D. Methimazole: Management of Feline Hyperthyroidism. Today’s Veterinary Practice. 2014. 
  3. Hill, K., Gieseg, M., Bridges, J., & Chambers, J. (2014). The pharmacokinetics of methimazole in a novel lipophilic formulation administered transdermally to healthy cats. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 62(4), 208-213. doi:10.1080/00480169.2013.875990 
  4. Hill K. E., Chambers J. P., Jones B. R., Bolwell C. F., Aberdein D., Mills P. C. Regional variations in percutaneous absorption of methimazole: an in vitro study on cat skin. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 38, 616-618. doi:10.1111/jvp.12220 
  5. Peterson ME. How to Dose and Monitor Hyperthyroid Cats on Methimazole. 2012. 

🟢 Generic Mirtazapine Compounded Transdermal

Generic Mirtazapine Compounded Transdermal




Tanya’s info 

View on Chewy 

References and resources
  1. Buhles W, Quimby JM, Labelle D, Williams VS. Single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of a novel mirtazapine transdermal ointment in cats. J vet Pharmacol Therap. 2018; 41: 644-651. doi:10.1111/jvp.12691 
  2. Fantinati M, Trnka J, Signor A, et al. Appetite-stimulating effect of gabapentin vs mirtazapine in healthy cats post-ovariectomy. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2020;22(12):1176-1183. doi:10.1177/1098612X20916391 
  3. Ferguson LE, McLean MK, Bates JA, Quimby JM. Mirtazapine toxicity in cats: retrospective study of 84 cases (2006-2011). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2016;18(11):868-874. doi:10.1177/1098612X15599026 
  4. Ferro L, Ciccarelli S, Stanzani G, Nappi L, Angelini F, Leo C. Appetite Stimulant and Anti-Emetic Effect of Mirtazapine Transdermal Ointment in Cats Affected by Lymphoma Following Chemotherapy Administration: A Multi-Centre Retrospective Study. Animals. 2022; 12(2):155. doi:10.3390/ani12020155 
  5. Poole M, Quimby JM, Hu T, Labelle D, Buhles W. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study to evaluate the weight gain drug, mirtazapine transdermal ointment, in cats with unintended weight loss. J vet Pharmacol Therap. 2019; 42: 179-188. doi:10.1111/jvp.12738 
  6. Quimby, J.M., Gustafson, D.L. and Lunn, K.F. (2011), The Pharmacokinetics of Mirtazapine in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease and In Age-Matched Control Cats. J Vet Intern Med, 25: 985-989. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.00780.x 
  7. Quimby JM, Lunn KF. Mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant and anti-emetic in cats with chronic kidney disease: a masked placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial. Vet J. 2013 Sep;197(3):651-5. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.05.048 
  8. Quimby JM, Benson KK, Summers SC, et al. Assessment of compounded transdermal mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant in cats with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2020;22(4):376-383. doi:10.1177/1098612X19851303 
  9. Riechelmann RP, Burman D, Tannock IF, Rodin G, Zimmermann C. Phase II Trial of Mirtazapine for Cancer-Related Cachexia and Anorexia. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®. 2010;27(2):106-110. doi:10.1177/1049909109345685 
  10. Sparkes AH, Caney S, Chalhoub S, Elliott J, Finch N, Gajanayake I, Langston C, Lefebvre HP, White J, Quimby J. ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease. J Feline Med Surg. 2016 Mar;18(3):219-39. doi:10.1177/1098612X16631234 

🟢 Lily of the Desert Organic Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet

Lily of the Desert Organic Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet


16 fl. oz.

View on Amazon  💲 | Vitacost  | Lily of the Desert 

32 fl. oz.

View on Amazon  💲 | Vitacost  | Lily of the Desert 

😺 Luna Says

This is supposed to help soothe the ear pinnae if irritated by transdermal medications. This didn’t really help me; I prefer just plain water for wiping my ears clean. But I’ve heard this helps some kitties. Just be sure to get only the inner part of the aloe leaf, not the skin. The outer skin of aloe is toxic to cats!

🟢 Nitrile Finger Cots



white, 100 ct

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blue, 100 ct

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😺 Luna Says

Dad wears these when giving me transdermal medications. Can’t say I enjoy it, but better that than some gross oral medicine!

Transdermals references and resources

  1. Marks SL. Where Are We With Transdermal Drug Administration? Waltham Feline Medicine Symposium 2003. 

Something missing? Questions, comments, or corrections? Email chuck -at-

Disclaimers: While I have strived to include only products which I have used or would use with my own CKD kitty, appearance here should not be construed as endorsement. Every kitty and every kitty's situation is unique. This web site's operator is not responsible for your cat's well-being; you alone are. Do not start, stop, or adjust any medications or supplements without consulting with your veterinarian.

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