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Welcome! Although, if you’re here, it means your cat has CKD, and I’m sorry for that.
By now you’ve undoubtedly experienced what a challenging roller coaster feline CKD is. My Luna was diagnosed in February 2024, and I empathize and relate to your situation.
Based on my experience with Luna, here are…
The Three Best Things You Can Do Right Now for Your CKD Kitty and You
Sign up to join Tanya’s Feline Chronic Kidney Disease Support Group. Even if you don’t post your story and questions right away, you’ll learn a ton by reading the messages that come in. This group is filled with many experienced and compassionate experts who can help you with guidance and support. Perhaps I’ll see you there.
Visit What You Need to Know First on Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease. Also, block out some time each day over the next week or two to read as much of this site as you can. It’s an unbelievably valuable resource and the knowledge you gain now will pay dividends throughout you and your kitty’s CKD journey.
Start looking for an internal medicine specialist and get on their calendar. It’s apparent that many general practice vets are underprepared to deal with a complex systemic medical issue like CKD. They may be too up to their eyeballs pulling foxtails out of dogs and other day-to-day requirements to give your cat’s CKD the time, attention, and painstaking research it deserves. And, sadly, many vets suggest euthanasia way too early. This disease is an intricate — but manageable — dance and finding a competent veterinary internal medicine specialist to work with will serve you in the long run. Specialists have a tendency to book up well in advance, so the sooner you can get on the calendar, the better.
One more note about the website mentioned above. Once you’ve had a chance to read it, and realize what an incredible resource it is, and have a moment to breathe… Please consider dontating to Helen, the maintaner of that web site. Much love and labor has gone into that site, which has helped thousands of CKD kitties around the world.
(I have absolutely no relation to Helen or the web site; I just happen to be a CKD cat caregiver who has benefitted immeasurably from Helen’s work, and want to do what I can to help keep the site going for the benefit of all cats.)
How to Use This Site
This site is not a store or a shop. It’s a collection of links to products I’ve either used with Luna or have researched for potentially using with Luna. When it’s time to get something for her, I return to this list to find it.
If you’re reading through or the support group, and see mention of a supplement or product and have questions like
Which exact product are they referring to?
Which one is safe for cats?
Which one is best for CKD?
…then come to this vetted list of CKD cat supplies.
Go ahead and bookmark this site now so you can be sure and find it again when you need it.
Each item that appears provides valuable information at your fingertips, such as
A link to the relevant page on Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide
An anecdote about how Chuck & Luna use it
Links to research and other relevant resources
Links to various vendors that carry the product
The items are organized into categories. Simply click on any category to see all the pertinent items.
At the moment this site is geared primarily toward U.S. residents, with links to U.S.-based sources. If you’d like to see sources for your home location, please let me know in an email.
Best wishes on your CKD journey. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I’m here to help.
❤ Chuck & Luna (About)
Where To Next?
Browse one of the following CATegories… 😹
…or to help support desperately needed feline CKD research, see our feline CKD philanthropy suggestions.