Feline CKD Philanthropy Suggestions

😺 Luna Says

Neither Dad nor I have any affiliation with or relation to the following organizations, although we have personally donated to some. We just happen to think these are good options for paying it forward and helping advance the cause of CKD kitties.

Buttons Feline Kidney Research Fund, Ohio State University

Directly fund crucial cutting-edge feline CKD research at OSU.


EveryCat Health Foundation

Select β€œStipulated - Feline Kidney Disease Fund”


Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide to Feline CKD

Support this incredible resource that has benefitted β€” and continues to benefit β€” thousands of CKD kitties worldwide.


Morris Animal Foundation


Cornell Feline Health Center


Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University

Select or type in β€œVeterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences Department Fund”


Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences


Something missing? Questions, comments, or corrections? Email chuck -at- weathermuffin.com

Disclaimers: While I have strived to include only products which I have used or would use with my own CKD kitty, appearance here should not be construed as endorsement. Every kitty and every kitty's situation is unique. This web site's operator is not responsible for your cat's well-being; you alone are. Do not start, stop, or adjust any medications or supplements without consulting with your veterinarian.

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